Heroes Wiki

Good Versus Evil
The Hero & Big Good
Behold of the Elder Gods


Good Versus Evil

The Hero & Big Good

Behold of the Elder Gods

Good Versus Evil
The Hero & Big Good
Behold of the Elder Gods


The Heroes Wikia is an off-shot of the "Villains Wiki" and is designed to be a comprehensive database of heroes from all media - ranging from cartoon shows of old to epic dramas, movies and video-games. Heroes are an ancient traditional spanning across almost all cultures and capturing the imaginations of young and old - this wiki seeks to pay homage to those childhood fantasies as well as characters who continue to inspire us well into our adult life.


Crash Bandicoot is the main protagonist of the video game series of the same name.

He was once an ordinary bandicoot until he was exposed to an Evolvo-Ray by the villain Dr. Neo Cortex as part of a plan to conquer the world by using Crash as a general for an army - however when Dr. Neo Cortex decides Crash is unfit to be the general of his army the two become enemies as Crash sets upon destroying all of Dr. Neo Cortex's henchmen and eventually taking on the main villain himself.

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NO REAL WORLD EXAMPLES - in order to keep our wiki as neutral as possible we will no longer be allowing the creation of "Real World" articles, unlike fiction the real-world is rarely black and white in terms of morality and one man's "hero" can be another man's "villain" (no matter how noble they may appear). As such we have decided to stop the practice of adding real-world articles to this wiki and are now catering exclusively to fiction, folklore and theological figures.

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Plagiarism - Any article added to this wiki must be of your own making. Articles found to be taken from other sites without permission will be deleted without warning.

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